Cosmetic Sclerotherapy

Sessions: Minimum 3 months

Procedure: N/A

Recovery: N/A

Results: 3 months

Insurance: Coverage Varies

Pain : None-Mild

Compression Therapy
Compression therapy is a non-invasive medical technique used to improve blood circulation and manage various conditions, such as venous insufficiency, lymphedema, and swelling. This approach involves wearing specially designed compression garments, such as stockings or sleeves, that exert pressure on the limbs. The pressure helps to reduce the diameter of veins and enhance the flow of blood and lymphatic fluid, preventing pooling and congestion. Compression therapy is often recommended after procedures like vein treatments or surgeries to promote healing and reduce the risk of complications. It’s a safe and effective way to alleviate discomfort, manage swelling, and enhance overall vascular health
How many sessions are typically required?
Compression therapy for varicose veins isn’t typically described in terms of “sessions”. Instead, patients are advised to wear compression stockings daily for extended periods. The duration will be determined by the severity of the condition and the recommendation of the healthcare provider.
How long is the procedure?
Not applicable. Putting on and wearing compression stockings is something the patient does daily, based on medical advice. The “procedure” in this context is simply donning the stockings, which takes a few minutes.
How long is the recovery time?
Compression therapy aids in symptom management and can help prevent the progression of venous disorders, but it’s not a “cure” in itself. Therefore, “recovery time” isn’t a relevant concept in this context. However, symptom relief can be experienced shortly after starting consistent compression therapy.
How long until results are visible?
Symptomatic relief (e.g., reduced swelling, aching, or heaviness) can be noticed within days to weeks of consistent use. However, compression stockings primarily manage symptoms and prevent worsening; they don’t usually “reverse” the appearance of existing varicose veins.
Does insurance cover the procedure?
Insurance policies vary, but many insurance providers cover the cost of medical-grade compression stockings if prescribed by a physician for a diagnosed venous disorder. It’s essential to consult with one’s insurance company for specifics.
How painful is it?
None. Wearing compression stockings shouldn’t be painful. In fact, many patients find relief from symptoms of discomfort associated with varicose veins when using them. However, some individuals might find them tight or challenging to put on initially, but this feeling often subsides as one becomes accustomed to wearing them.
What are the risks of compression therapy for varicose veins?
Generally, compression therapy is low risk. However, using compression stockings that are too tight or not fitted correctly can cause skin irritation, decreased circulation, and discomfort.
Book a Complimentary Consultation

Anwar Mack, MD
Double Board Certified Physician